Periodic Table with Atomic Number
A periodic table is a table which contains all the elements of the chemistry world. In this table, all the chemical elements are arranged in the proper order that is in increasing order or their atomic number, the configuration of electron and recurring chemical properties.
- Hydrogen Valence Electrons
- Helium Valence Electrons
- Lithium Valence Electrons
- Beryllium Valence Electrons
- Boron Valence Electrons
- Carbon Valence Electrons
- Nitrogen Valence Electrons
- Oxygen Valence Electrons
- Fluorine Valence Electrons
- Neon Valence Electrons
- Sodium Valence Electrons
- Magnesium Valence Electrons
- Aluminum Valence Electrons
- Silicon Valence Electrons
- Phosphorus Valence Electrons
- Sulfur Valence Electrons
- Chlorine Valence Electrons
- Argon Valence Electrons
- Potassium Valence Electrons
- Calcium Valence Electrons
- Scandium Valence Electrons
- Titanium Valence Electrons
- Vanadium Valence Electrons
- Chromium Valence Electrons
- Manganese Valence Electrons
- Iron Valence Electrons
- Cobalt Valence Electrons
- Nickel Valence Electrons
- Copper Valence Electrons
- Zinc Valence Electrons
- Gallium Valence Electrons
- Germanium Valence Electrons
- Arsenic Valence Electrons
- Selenium Valence Electrons
- Bromine Valence Electrons
- Krypton Valence Electrons
- Rubidium Valence Electrons
- Strontium Valence Electrons
- YttriumValence Electrons
- Zirconium Valence Electrons
- Niobium Valence Electrons
- Molybdenum Valence Electrons
- Technetium Valence Electrons
- Ruthenium Valence Electrons
- Rhodium Valence Electrons
- Palladium Valence Electrons
Atomic Number of Elements From 1 to 30
Atomic number is the number of protons atom’s nuclei, It is characteristic of a chemical element that determines the place of an element in the periodic table. First thirty elements of periodic table start with hydrogen and end with zinc. It goes like this hydrogen-helium, lithium, beryllium, Boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, Neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, Nickel, cobalt, copper and zinc. Have a look at the picture below;
Periodic Table with Atomic Number and Atomic Mass
Today we are going to provide the periodic table with the atomic number and atomic mass of all the elements. Atomic no. is the of nuclei present in the atom of an element and atomic mass is the sum of proton and neutron in the atom of an element. Have a look at this picture below’
Atomic Number Table
Here is the periodic table with atomic number list, Have a look at the picture below;
Periodic Table of Elements with Atomic Number