Hi Students! The list of Non- Metals available here for study. Now study these list of Non-Metals and learn their symbols.
- Hydrogen Valence Electrons
- Helium Valence Electrons
- Lithium Valence Electrons
- Beryllium Valence Electrons
- Boron Valence Electrons
- Carbon Valence Electrons
- Nitrogen Valence Electrons
- Oxygen Valence Electrons
- Fluorine Valence Electrons
- Neon Valence Electrons
- Sodium Valence Electrons
- Magnesium Valence Electrons
- Aluminum Valence Electrons
- Silicon Valence Electrons
- Phosphorus Valence Electrons
- Sulfur Valence Electrons
- Chlorine Valence Electrons
- Argon Valence Electrons
- Potassium Valence Electrons
- Calcium Valence Electrons
- Scandium Valence Electrons
- Titanium Valence Electrons
- Vanadium Valence Electrons
- Chromium Valence Electrons
- Manganese Valence Electrons
- Iron Valence Electrons
- Cobalt Valence Electrons
- Nickel Valence Electrons
- Copper Valence Electrons
- Zinc Valence Electrons
- Gallium Valence Electrons
- Germanium Valence Electrons
- Arsenic Valence Electrons
- Selenium Valence Electrons
- Bromine Valence Electrons
- Krypton Valence Electrons
- Rubidium Valence Electrons
- Strontium Valence Electrons
- YttriumValence Electrons
- Zirconium Valence Electrons
- Niobium Valence Electrons
- Molybdenum Valence Electrons
- Technetium Valence Electrons
- Ruthenium Valence Electrons
- Rhodium Valence Electrons
- Palladium Valence Electrons
List of Non-Metals and Their Uses
These are the non-metal that is found in the periodic table;
- Nitrogen- It is used in manufacturing ammonia
- Oxygen- is used in breathing cylinders.
- Neon- used in different types of lights.
- Chlorine- It is used in bleaching powder and liquid bleach.
- Argon- Same as neon it is used in lights.
- Krypton- Along with argon and neon it is used in lights.
- Iodine- it is used in making antibacterial gurgles.
- Carbon- manufacturing rubber tyres.
List of Non-Metals on the Periodic Table
This is the list of non-metals in the periodic table:
List of Non-Metals and Their Symbols
List Three Properties of Non-Metals
- They are the bad conductor of heat and electricity.
- Gain electron easily.
- High electronegativities
Find Our Periodic Table Labeled.
List of Non-Metals Used in Daily Life
- Oxygen
- Carbon
- Nitrogen
- Bromine
Click Here To More Information About Periodic Table Valency Of Elements And Charges Of Elements.
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List of Non-Metals and Metals
You can see the list of metals and non-metals in the given Table:
HYDROGEN | H | 1 |
HELIUM | He | 2 |
LITHIUM | Li | 3 |
BERYLLIUM | Be | 4 |
BORON | B | 5 |
CARBON | C | 6 |
NITROGEN | N | 7 |
OXYGEN | O | 8 |
FLUORINE | F | 9 |
NEON | Ne | 10 |
SODIUM | Na | 11 |
MAGNESIUM | Mg | 12 |
ALUMINIUM | Al | 13 |
SILICON | S | 14 |
SULPHUR | S | 16 |
CHLORINE | Cl | 17 |
ARGON | Ar | 18 |
POTTASIUM | K | 19 |
CALCIUM | Ca | 20 |
SCANDIUM | Sc | 21 |
TITANIUM | Ti | 22 |
VANADIUM | V | 23 |
CHROMIUM | Cr | 24 |
MANGANESE | Mn | 25 |
IRON | Fe | 26 |
COBALT | Co | 27 |
NICKEL | Ni | 28 |
COPPER | Cu | 29 |
ZINC | Zn | 30 |
GALLIUM | Ga | 31 |
GERMANIUM | Ge | 32 |
ARSENIC | As | 33 |
SELENIUM | Se | 34 |
BROMINE | Br | 35 |
KRYPTON | Kr | 36 |
RUBIDIUM | Rb | 37 |
STRONTIUM | Sr | 38 |
YTTRIUM | Y | 39 |
ZIRCONIUM | Zr | 40 |
NIOBIUM | Nb | 41 |
MOLYBDENUM | Mo | 42 |
TECHNETIUM | Tc | 43 |
RUTHENIUM | Ru | 44 |
RHODIUM | Rh | 45 |
PALLADIUM | Pd | 46 |
SILVER | Ag | 47 |
CADMIUM | Cd | 48 |
INDIUM | In | 49 |
TIN | Sn | 50 |
ANTIMONY | Sb | 51 |
TELLURIUM | Te | 52 |
IODINE | I | 53 |
XENON | Xe | 54 |
CESIUM | Cs | 55 |
BARIUM | Ba | 56 |
LANTHANUM | La | 57 |
CERIUM | Ce | 58 |
NEODYMIUM | Nd | 60 |
PROMETHIUM | Pr | 61 |
SAMARIUM | Sm | 62 |
EUROPIUM | Eu | 63 |
GADOLINIUM | Gd | 64 |
TERBIUM | Tb | 65 |
DYSPROSIUM | Ds | 66 |
HOLMIUM | Ho | 67 |
ERBIUM | Er | 68 |
THULIUM | Th | 69 |
YTTERBIUM | Tb | 70 |
LUTETIUM | Lu | 71 |
HAFNIUM | Hf | 72 |
TANTALUM | Ta | 73 |
TUNGSTEN | W | 74 |
RHENIUM | Re | 75 |
OSMIUM | Os | 76 |
IRIDIUM | Ir | 77 |
PLATINIUM | Pt | 78 |
GOLD | Au | 79 |
MERCURY | Hg | 80 |
THALLIUM | Ti | 81 |
LEAD | Pb | 82 |
BISMUTH | Bi | 83 |
POLONIUM | Po | 84 |
ASTATINE | At | 85 |
RADON | Rn | 86 |
FRANCIUM | Fr | 87 |
RADIUM | Ra | 88 |
ACTINIUM | Ac | 89 |
THORIUM | Th | 90 |
URANIUM | U | 92 |
NEPTUNIUM | Np | 93 |
PLUTONIUM | Pu | 94 |
AMERICIUM | Am | 95 |
CURIUM | Cm | 96 |
BERKELIUM | Bk | 97 |
FERMIUM | Fm | 100 |
MENDELEVIUM | Md | 101 |
NOBELIUM | No | 102 |
LAWRENCIUM | Lr | 103 |
DUBNIUM | Db | 105 |
SEABORGIUM | Sg | 106 |
BOHRIUM | Rf | 107 |
HASSIUM | Hs | 108 |
MEITNERIUM | Mt | 109 |
ROENTGENIUM | Rg | 111 |
COPERMICIUM | Cn | 112 |
NIHOMIUM | Nh | 113 |
FLEVORIUM | Fl | 114 |
MOSCOVIUM | Mc | 115 |
LIVERMORIUM | Lv | 116 |
OGANESSON | Og | 117 |
List of non-metals Found at Home
Here is the list of non-metals found at home:
- Diamond
- Carbon
- Oxygen
- Hydrogen
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